How to secure your Social Media Accounts?

Today people are addicted to social media networks like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram. We are hearing the hacking news of social media accounts very often. Hackers may collect your personal information. Today security is a top priority of all sorts of businesses across the world, particularly mobile app development companies in North Carolina have considered it seriously with advanced security measures for the social media apps they develop.


So if you’re very serious about security, follow the below steps to secure your account.

Secure Facebook Account

Here some of the best ways to secure and protect your Facebook account.

Login Alert:

You will get notification by email or SMS when somebody logged in to your account. This you can enable at Security Settings>Login Alerts Section> Type of alert. In case you get a notification from an unknown login session, you can change your Facebook login credentials.

One Time Password

The two-factor authentication is one of the most effective ways used for secure login. You will get an OTP, so you can login securely. The code generator is available only for Android and iOS devices only.

Secure LinkedIn Account

Security for LinkedIn is more important as this is a professional networking site and any attack on your account may result into a huge loss. The hackers not only take your data from your profile but also they can access your private emails with employers and this is something that can be a huge problem for you.

You can log in to your LinkedIn account through OTP, which you can get at Settings > Privacy > Security > Two-step verification.

Secure Twitter account

You can make your non-followers don’t see your tweets. Below are the techniques for secure login.

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Verify Login Request

These options can be found by clicking on your profile image on the top right, where you have to go through this – Account > Security > Login verification. You will get an SMS with the code. So by using this code, you can login to your account.

Password Request

Sometime attackers try to get access to your account by resetting your password by using username. If you enable “Password Request” option, Twitter will ask personal questions before resetting the password. In some cases, it will ask to verify phone number and email ID.

Secure Instagram Account

Instagram is one of the best places to share your personal photos. Its UI is eye-catching. Instagram provides some good security options and by enabling them, you can secure your account.

Private Account

You can make your photos and other details private, which you can do at Profile>Settings>Account>Private account.

Two Factors Authentication

I think you’re familiar with the two-factor authentication by now. You can login to your Instagram account through OTP. You can block people who pester you. These are the top ways that help you safeguard your Instagram account.

Are you looking to develop a social media app?

Let FuGenX Help you. FuGenX Technologies LLC is the fastest growing mobile app development company in New Jersey. FuGenX develops mobile apps on various platforms like iOS, Android, Blackberry and Windows for various Industries.

How to Choose the Best Social Media Marketing Platform?

Being on social media has been a necessity for businesses rather than option. Though, some businesses are still in ambiguity that which platform is effective for their business and how to utilize the paid advertising features on this platform. If you get to know how to do promotions on Facebook effectively, you can increase overall marketing ROI dramatically. Today mobile app development companies in North Carolina, Atlanta and across the world are showing an increased interest to integrate social media plugins into the app they develop. The first thing you need to do is having a clear understanding of every social media platform.



Facebook is one of the behemoth platforms for paid marketing. There are around 1.71 billion people using Facebook throughout the world. Facebook has the most number of daily users with the most advanced targeting tools.

It doesn’t matter if you are B2B or B2C, your potential customers are likely to log into Facebook at least once in a day. If you install Facebook pixel on your website, you can send data back to retarget previous visitors on Facebook.


LinkedIn is branded as the professionals market place. B2B content are highly promoted on LinkedIn, but for B2C companies, advertising on LinkedIn is not a fair choice. LinkedIn advertising allows sponsored content similar to boosted posts on Facebook. This will allow you to promote your blog and slideshows which you are targeting to the audience by different industry wise. They also offer sidebar that allows ads with some strict limitation on length and format.


Twitter reaches a specific category people with much shorter lifespan. Advertisement on Twitter is categorized as Promoted Accounts, Promoted Tweets and Promoted Trends. Twitter is a top platform for customer engagement, but has seen poor number of overall referrals compared to Facebook. Twitter is the best way to communicate with your customers, and also you can increase more traffic to the sites.

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Instagram is a highly visual network, where ads should be well created photographs and not traditional advertisements. Instagram advertisement is best for fashion, restaurants and travel. Recently, Instagram changed to pay-to-play platform, before that it had chronological feed with minimal options for advertisers.


Pinterest is gender-biased social networking site, which dominantly encompasses 85% Female users using. This platform is mainly focused on interior design, fashion, recipes and travel. This is one of the best social media sites to increase traffic to the sites.


YouTube is the best video sharing site in the world, where users can access any videos from anywhere of the world. YouTube is the best platform for promoting videos, where the users can upload, view, rate, share and comment on videos.


It is one of the best discovery engines where it finds and recommends web content to its users. The features of StumbleUpon are options to discover webpages, webpages rating, videos and photos.


WhatsApp is the most popular social chatting application for smartphones, where user can send text messages, documents, images, video, PDF files and audio messages. It was founded by Brian Action and Jan Koum who were the former employees of Yahoo.

About Us

We at FuGenX Technologies LLC are the Deloitte award winning mobile app development company in Atlanta, Los Angeles, Florida and New York USA. We develop mobile apps for the customers preferred platforms like Android, iOS, BlackBerry and Windows. FuGenX develops mobile apps for various industries like e-commerce, education and healthcare.

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